Kali Linux is supported on multiple devices. On some systems, you will only get CLI mode installation and may not have direct access to GUI. One way to have GUI on Kali Linux is to install Xfce and setting up RDP. You can do this with the simple script as follows: #!/bin/sh echo "[+] Installing …
How to use rsync command to copy directory structure without copying files
Add “filter rules” in rsync command to include only directories and exclude files. An example is shown below: rsync -av -f"+ */" -f"- *" dir-a/ dir-b Consult man pages of rsync to get details on “filter rules”.
How to allow two clients connect to the same VNC server session
To allow multiple users to connect to the same vnc display, start vncviewer from the client machine with the following command: vncviewer --shared VNC-SERVER-IP:DISPLAY Make sure, you start vnc server with the --alwaysshared option.
How to connect to/setup VNC via tunnel over SSH
If you want to connect to vnc via an ssh tunnel, you must have a user account on the machine running vnc server. You should also know that which display the vnc server is running. These details can be found in /etc/sysconfig/vncservers or via the ps command output. Use the following SSH command to connect …
How to disable ssh access for a user/group but allow command execution
You can restrict users as well as groups to execute all commands over ssh without having access to the server. The first step is to add a new option in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file as follows: For user restriction, add the following and make sure to replace the username with the actual username: Match User username PermitTTY …
How to restrict the maximum simultaneous ssh logins from a specific user on AlmaLinux, CentOS
There should be pam_limits.conf module present in /etc/pam.d/system-auth. On older systems, this entry must also be in system-auth and password-auth files. grep limit /etc/pam.d/system-auth session required pam_limits.so Add maxlogins entry in /etc/security/limits.conf as follows: username hard maxlogins 'number of max logins' Enable PAM in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file as follows: UsePAM yes
Why AlmaLinux server receiving very slow incoming ssh connections?
For quick resolution, though not a permanent fix in the DNS environment, add IP hostname entries in /etc/hosts file. If you use this method, make sure the following entries are in /etc/nsswitch.conf file: hosts: files dns The second method is to add/update the below directive in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file: UseDNS no The default for the …
Does AlmaLinux provide support for mod_lua module?
Yes, module mod_lua is supported in AlmaLinux 8 as part of httpd.
Does AlmaLinux provide any modules for XSS prevention in Apache httpd?
Protection against some types of XSS attacks can be mitigated by OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS). You can install in AlmaLinux 8 using yum as below: yum install mod_security_crs
After joining AD, realmd do not register DNS hostname
The error may be caused by an incorrect entry in the /etc/hosts file added by the provisioning script. To resolve this error; Remove SSSD from the AD domain realm leave webconn.tech Rename the host to use FQDN hostname hostname set-hostname metal.webconn.tech Ensure /etc/hosts have correct entries for hosts or create forward and reverse DNS records …