The following error is generated when rsync is run with the -X option (preserve extended attributes) rsync -axHAX --delete /. /tmp/selinux/. rsync: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr("selinux","security.selinux") failed: Permission denied (15) rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 31) at main.c(1039) To resolve this error, filter the ‘/selinux’ filesystem from the command. Run rsync …
How to Install and Configure VNC on Kali Linux 2020.2 and Debian 9
These steps have been tested to install VNC on Kali Linux and Debian 9. You may encounter errors in installing tightvncserver with apt-get. This guide covers this issue. Login to your server as root. Install VNC server with apt-get install tightvncserver If you get the following error, then you can install tightvncserver from Debian 9 …
Linux Cluster do not form membership when totem token is set to 30s or longer
Cluster nodes can form membership if the value of totem token is 29000 ms. Once the totem token is set to value 30000 ms or above, the cluternodes fail to establish a connection between the nodes (inquorate). To resolve this issue, update OS to CentOS 8.3
Why yum module list show @modulefailsafe
The command yum module list output @modulefailsafe # yum module list --disablerepo=\* @modulefailsafe Name Stream Profiles Summary 389-ds 12 [e] 209 Directory Server (base) ant 1.9 [e] common Java build tool httpd 2.2 [e] common, devel, mini Apache HTTP Server In the case of local repositories, Re-build repodata either with reposync --download-metadata or modifyrepo to …
Enable both password and key based authentication for ssh server
Add the following option in /etc/ssh/sshd_config AuthenticationMethods publickey,password
SEOS (ssh server Access Control) – Method for ssh authentication fails for ssh server
If SEOS authentication method fails than it is not supported by your Linux flavor and should be disabled in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
Unable to add host to cluster of hypervisors in Linux virtualization
First of all delete host from user interface than add correct selinux context to the log file. chcon -t httpd_log_t /var/log/ovirt-engine/logfile.log restorecon /var/log/ovirt-engine/logfile.log Reattach host via user interface.
Restrict ftp user login to ftp server denying access to operating system
When you create new users for ftp server access, do not assign shell to those users. # useradd -s /sbin/nologin webconn For existing user, use “usermod -s” to change the user’s shell to /sbin/nologin. # usermod -s /sbin/nologin webconn
How to add a binary attribute in Linux?
At the command-line, the following syntax is used; attribute:< file:///FILE_FULL_PATH Note: There should be no space character between the colon ‘:’ and the less-than sign ‘<‘. As an example; jpegPhoto:< file:///home/webconn/picture.png
Server hangs for a long time on firewalld service shutting down or on reboot
Add/edit following option in /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf; CleanupOnExit=no Using option CleanupOnExit=yes in /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf flush firewall rules and try to off-load nf_conntrack module. If server hangs, it is because something is stopping nf_conntrack module from unloading quickly. Try running systemctl stop firewalld and see if service hangs. If firewalld service start is success you are likely not having this issue.